Meet our groundbreaking digital scanning technology - no more 'pink goop'!

The latest addition to our digital dentistry efforts is the TRIOS dental intraoral scanner, a hand-held 3D scanning tool used to take digital impressions of your teeth for dental procedures such as orthodontics, night guards, crowns, and more. This tool is designed to make your overall dental experience more comfortable while providing us with better quality impressions for your treatment.

You may remember the traditional molding technique using a 'pink goop' in a tray to take impressions of your teeth, which may have caused you considerable discomfort while sitting in the dental chair for 15 minutes. By comparison, the TRIOS intraoral scanner can scan your teeth wirelessley in a matter of seconds without the use of the 'goop'. Our dentists can then display the 3-D impression of your teeth on a screen almost immediately after the scan is complete. This allows you to grasp a better understanding of the condition of your teeth, and helps us to communicate your treatment journey with you.

Digital impressions taken by the TRIOS intraoral scanner also deliver a more accurate fit for your braces, clear aligner trays, or crowns, so you can rest assured you'll get an effective treatment with less adjustments.

Want to learn more about the dental technologies available in our office? Contact Smilesolvers today!