Customer Testimonials

Cleaning was super easy (with the help of me listening to an audio book) and I very much appreciate Dr Klein taking the extra time to have my xrays done and evaluate.

Iynn K (Nov 4, 2017)

I really am amazed at how welcoming everyone working at Smile Solvers is. From booking an appointment to making sure you feel at ease, everything is simply at its best. At Smile Solvers, clients come first! I can trust Dr Klein and I am glad he currently is my dentist. Thank you to Lisa and Roxanne as well for all the work you do :)

Shivani P (Nov 2, 2017)

I had a great experience staff are nice and friendly.

Sherika P (Oct 5, 2017)

Very efficient and honest.

Anonymous (Oct 4, 2017)

As always a great experience. Tara is amazing and your whole office is very welcoming and friendly. So glad I found you all.

Vera S (Sep 27, 2017)

Even though I was late due to a misunderstanding, they were super nice and accommodating- which I really appreciated as someone that is always late and running around for things.

Anonymous (Sep 14, 2017)

Still the best dental team in town!

Chris R (Sep 12, 2017)

amazing...I've never had such a thorough and complete dental exam. And everyone is so friendly. It's nice to be somewhere where the people actually seem to like to work there! I've recommended it to all my family and friends.

Maria P (Sep 12, 2017)

I went in for a regular cleaning with Lisa and my son saw Dr Klein first and then had his teeth cleaned. Awesome experience, not necessarily the quickest, but thorough and careful. My son's experience was so comfortable that he was able to sit through a cleaning after significant work on a front tooth. Nicely done all.

Anonymous (Jul 1, 2017)

I have been Dr Klein's patient for almost 30 years and he has always provided me with excellent dental care. He makes every appointment a pleasant experience with his personable approach and readiness to offer and explain all treatment options. Dr. Klein is consistently competent and spares no effort to make sure his patients are comfortable. I would recommend Dr. Klein without reservation to anyone considering becoming his patient.

Luis R (Jun 17, 2017)